Philip McShannock

Philip McShannock



Crossfit Level 1

About Coach

Growing up in Northern Ireland, Phil played a variety of sports. Phil enjoyed gymnastics in earlier life and was successful in national competitions for few years before giving that up to pursue rugby and athletics. Usually it was athletics during summer months and rugby during winter. Having enjoyed training sessions more than match days during his rugby years, as there was always a passion for training and improving weaknesses and skills. This passion was reignited when he came to Crossfit PMI for his first ever crossfit experience.

Turning Point

The welcoming, jovial atmosphere at Crossfit PMI really attracted Phil and made working out so much easier and more enjoyable. This was a stark contrast from the commercial gym that he had attended for 2 years previous and although the suana & pool allowed him to be well within his comfort zone, it did not improve his weaknesses or skills/technique. Within first few months at Crossfit PMI, Phil's foundations in gymnastics allowed him to progress fast and he quickly decided to take the level 1 course while it was being run in Dublin.

Motivation & Passion

Having enjoyed the constant challenges of crossfit and feeling the benefits in his physical conditioning and mental headspace, he was keen to share his learnings and knowledge with others, so he began coaching. Loving the comradery of group classes and sensing a lot of future freindhsips within clientele of Crossfit PMI, Phil strives to improve everyones day with every class he coaches.

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